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  • 文化创意园区企业投融资生态环境研究——基于访谈调研的结果 Research of the Ecological Envi

    时间:2016-07-17 09:45 来源: 作者: 浏览:收藏 挑错 推荐 打印

    The study of the ecological environment of cultural and creative enterprises’ investment and fi-nancing in park referencing the theory of ecological can provide reliable basis to optimize the en-terprises’ ecological environment. Through the interview of entrepreneurs in 15 cultural and cre-ative enterprises in park in Beijing and Tianjin, by the coding, the ecological environment of in-vestment and financing in cultural and creative enterprises in park is becoming clear. The study found that: the ecological environment of investment and financing in cultural and creative enter-prises in park has multidimensional nature. The frequencies of the policy system and financial en-vironment mentioned in the interview are 93% and 87%, respectively; the impact on the invest-ment and financing is significantly. Although the frequencies of technology, social and cultural en-vironment mentioned are relatively low, they provide the material base of investment and fi-nancing.
